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Enhancing Team Functioning with Modern Group Principles (OW12824) - 2.5 contact hours - ONLINE

Teams in the workplace are a special subset of groups that generate and contend with complex interpersonal dynamics. These dynamics arise from leaders, members, the nature of the team’s work, and the wider systems in which the team is located. A working understanding and application of modern group leadership principles and techniques can enhance team functioning. This didactic and experiential workshop addresses our experiences with teams. We explore some common team dynamics through the lenses of history, the need for psychological safety, and the use of self-as-instrument.  

Learning Objectives. Participants will be able to:

  1. Identify similarities and differences between groups and teams in the workplace.

  2. Describe how transference can affect team dynamics.

  3. Name three techniques for optimizing team dynamics.

    Date: Sunday, December 8, 2024
    Time: 12:00 — 2:30 pm EST
    Instructor: David Rothauser
    Location: ONLINE via Zoom, link to be provided