Block 3 | Introduction To Group Resistances (In-Person & Online)
Utilizing didactic and experiential formats this weekend training program will address and explore the subject of resistances in group. Workshop participants will learn how to identify, manage, and resolve different types of resistances and countertransference resistances as they are demonstrated in the process group interaction and case presentation. Workshop topics will include the following: how resistances manifest from pre-group through the various stages of the group process, the purpose and communication function of resistances, and the recognition and use of the therapist’s countertransference feelings to resolve resistances in group. Case examples and group supervision will be provided to augment the didactic and process experiences provided.Transference and countertransference are key concepts in analytic group treatment. Utilizing didactic and experiential formats, this weekend training will discuss and demonstrate the unique ways in which transference and countertransference manifest and are used therapeutically in the group setting. Topics will include: recognizing induced feelings, defining and working with subjective and objective countertransference, and techniques for formulating maturational interventions. Case examples and clinical supervision will be provided to augment the didactic and process experiences provided.